Monday, January 26, 2015

unconditioned stimulus: energy
conditioned stimulus: Gatorade
unconditioned response: energy or being fit by drinking Gatorade
conditioned response: energetic by drinking Gatorade  

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

task or skill

I have taught my son, Josiah, how to crawl just recently, I usually put an object in front of him and he normally started to get to the object. I'll put a remote control in front of him or a raddle and he will start to kick his legs and then he scoots by pushing his legs to move his body to reach the object. I went on the internet to find how to get babies to crawl and it gave me ideas. I followed them ideas as I just told you on how to have your baby crawl. He is not getting the hang of it, he is learning more quickly.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Quips and quotes

Sociocultural – social and cultural context of behavior

If a teenager has a bad attitude then they might throw things

Biological – the biological underpinning of behavior, and the roles of genetics and evolution

When a friend moves away you will become depressed

Behavioral – learning, previous experience, overt behavior

If a person is jogging in gym they are using muscles and joints

Cognitive – mental processes such as perception, information processing, memory, problem-solving, and decision-making

If a person gives you advice, you take it and use it to solve your problem

Psychoanalytic – the role of unconscious processes in behavior and interpersonal relationships

When something has happened in the past, you tend to remember that for a long time

Humanistic – the uniqueness of human beings; human values and subjective experiences

It is based on how good you feel about you human self, if you feel good about yourself then good


Rate the celebrities

Correlation coefficient – a number between +1 and -1

Positive correlation – means the two variables will change in the same direction

Negative correlation – means the two variables will change in opposite directions

It is very strong towards attractiveness than success.

Because humans tend to be involved in attractiveness and success


The body beautiful

My results were way different than the average

Women who are really skinny I think tend to not get as many guys as women who are average or medium weight

Women have different wants in a man and men have different wants in women



Score 7/10

Words correct: cheery, chemist, thanks, chunky, thumbs, cheap


Eliza the online therapist is not helping, she doesn’t follow questions I ask, she asked me if I had any psychological problems, I said no and she asked me again like I had psychological problems. Then she asks why I repeat myself well she asked a yes or no question you will repeat yourself. I don’t believe this is reliable, waste of time, she repeats questions and stuff. I asked her how she was and she said “perhaps in your fantasies I am”, to me that’s creepy. As you see she don’t give you what you really want to know.

Scientific Experiment
if infants take naps does it help their memory develop more?
1- In one sentence, what was the research about?

If infants take more naps it helps their memory develop more

 2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?

216 young children

3- Was there a control group?

4- How were the subjects chosen?


5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?

They were required to nap for 30 minutes within 4 hours of learning the main actions and the infants who did not nap for 30 minutes were compared to the infants who did nap for 30 minutes

6- How did the subjects react?

The infants who had napped after the learning activity remembered the actions and those who haven’t napped showed no evidence

7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected?

do viruses make us smarter?
1- In one sentence, what was the research about?
How viruses are millions of years old and those they play an important role in building up networks that characterize the human brain
2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?
3- Was there a control group?
4- How were the subjects chosen?
By scientists
5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?
Tested DNA
6- How did the subjects react?
Just fine
7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected?
people prefer fair, but does the brain?
1- In one sentence, what was the research about?
They say fair is preferred by people but the brain network changes depending that are benefiting it
2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?
3- Was there a control group?
4- How were the subjects chosen?
By schools or universities
5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?
The subjects had to accept or reject the amount of money, they had to share fairly or unfairly
6- How did the subjects react?
They carried out the task
7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected?
monkeys can learn to see themselves in mirrors
1- In one sentence, what was the research about?
When monkey look in a mirror they don’t realize it’s their own face unlike human but that doesn’t mean they can’t learn
2- How many subjects were used in the experiment?
A group of monkeys
3- Was there a control group?
4- How were the subjects chosen?
5- What did the experimenters do to the subjects?
Offered the monkeys mirrors and shined a laser light at the monkey’s faces and then after 2-5 weeks of training they learned to touch their faces
6- How did the subjects react?
They noticed marks on their faces and they had learned to pass the standard mark test
7- Did the subjects act the way the experimenters expected?
Not at first but eventually learned within 5 weeks of training

Monday, January 5, 2015

 What is your favorite word?


 What is your least favorite word?


 What one thing do you like about your life?

My job

 What one thing do you not like about your life?

Living at home

 What profession would you like to attempt?


 What profession would you never attempt?

Construction worker

 What 3 words describe you?

Funny, caring, loving


I hope to gain knowledge and learn from you the best I can so I can have a good education. I am interested in being a nurse so I would like to learn the study of psychology because it is the study of the human mind and how it works. I would like to experience you teaching me what you know and all you know. I would like to pass and move on to college. I am hoping to gain better behavior and better knowledge. If I am going to be a nurse then I need as much help and knowledge as possible. Nursing is a great career, it saves many lives, you have to be able to work with people and their behaviors and that’s what nursing seems to be about because you have to help others and interact with them, study them, figure out what they do and what makes them do it. Understand the environment you live in, what surrounds you. My goal is for you to teach me the behaviors of others, human mind, working with people. The goal I am reaching is for you to teach, me to learn and bring what I know to my future job as a nurse.